Careers & Placements
- The University gives utmost importance to assist students in getting suitable placements after successful completion of the program.

The Training and Placement
The training and placement wing at the University looks after the training and placement activities on a full-time and continuous basis. Staffed by senior professionals and executives, the team initiates and maintains the University-Industry dialogue and manages the summer internship program and final placement activities. The team evaluates student performance levels and ensures relevant preparation for their corporate placements. Working both at the supply and demand sides of the placement, the team plays the vital intermediary role of matching academic excellence and industry expectations.
Career Opportunities
UG Programs
UG programs prepare the students to progress to PG level. However, the program prepares the students to seek jobs at UG level if they so desire.
MBA / MA (Poli Sci) / MA (Edu) / MA (Eng) / MA (Garo) / BBA / BA (Eco) / BA (Poli Sci) / BA (Edu) / BA (Eng) / B.Com
students can look for jobs
at appropriate management level
in manufacturing, marketing
services, BPO, Import / Export,
HRM and IT & Systems.
students can seek
entry level careers in the
following areas: Management
information systems, data base
management systems, system
analysis & design, internet,
software engineering, e-business,
enterprise resource planning,
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students can
seek career opportunities in
Hospitality & Management,
Leisure & Tourism, Public
Relations, Travel & Tourism.
A Joint Effort
The University believes that the entire placement exercise is a joint effort between the University and the students. While the University provides guidance and support and network with potential employers, the students have the responsibility to put in the maximum possible efforts to obtain suitable placements.